Interfaith Minister
I would be delighted to help you with your major life transitions and events.
Spiritual Health
I am a certified Spiritual Counsellor, and I have experience and skills that will make it
easy for you to find quiet and look deep inside to find the place where you are at
peace with yourself and Spirit.
I can help you to create a beautiful wedding ceremony that will reflect the love between the two of you.
Baby Blessing
A new person coming into a family is a big event for everyone. There are lots of ways
to provide a meaningful ceremony to name your baby and introduce the child to
your friends and family.
Mary McKeown
My name is Mary McKeown, and I am an ordained Interfaith Minister. I work with people of all faiths, and no faith. I have taken a vow of inclusivity, so all are welcome with their own traditions, or no tradition.
I can assist you with life events by facilitating a ceremony for you, a wedding, a baby welcome, a funeral and many others. I can assist you with your own Spiritual Health through Spiritual Counselling, Reflection Groups or Retreats.
I will work with you to craft a ceremony that is true to you and your spiritual life, whether that includes linking to the divine, or not. The ceremonies reflect your life and your views, not my life and my views.

Get in Touch
Planning a Ceremony?
I would be delighted to help you with your major life transitions and events.