I am an ordained Interfaith Minister. I work with people of all faiths, and no faith. I have taken a vow of inclusivity, and all are welcome with their own traditions, or no tradition.
I can facilitate ceremonies to celebrate life events including, weddings, welcoming babies, funerals and many others. I can assist you with your own spiritual health through spiritual counselling, reflection groups or retreats.
Working with you I will craft a ceremony that is true to you and your spiritual life, whether that includes linking to the divine, or not. The ceremonies reflect your life and your views, not mine.
I provide spiritual counselling services for people who seek the divine within themselves.
I was ordained an Interfaith Minister in July 2019 in London. I am a member of ROSIM, the Register of OneSpirit Interfaith Ministers. I am a Registered Solemniser of Marriages, registered with the Health Service Executive (HSE) under the terms of the Civil Registration Act 2004 in Ireland. I have up to date professional indemnity insurance. I trade as Mary McKeown and Company Limited.
I would be delighted to help you with your major life transitions and deepening your spiritual life.
I live in Galway, in the west of Ireland, and am available to work you throughout Ireland. I am open to exploring options to work with you overseas. Please get in touch to discuss possibilities.
Interfaith Ministers follow a code of ethics set down by the One Spirit Interfaith Foundation.
To promote integrity in our training and practice, the staff, students and ministers of One Spirit Interfaith Foundation commit ourselves to the following:
Remembering our unity, honouring our uniqueness
We aim to keep our hearts and minds open to everyone, celebrating difference but not separation. We refuse to marginalise people on the basis of age, disability, state of health, race, gender, nationality, religion, sexuality, economic status or any other distinction.
Walking our talk
We understand the importance of practising what we preach, and agree to uphold the ethical and practical principles of the spiritual path we follow. We recognise that all paths emphasise the importance of honesty, respecting self and others, non-stealing and non-harming.
Celebrating honesty
Knowing that truthfulness brings freedom, we aim to cultivate conscious and clean communication. We aim to speak and listen as truly as we can, being mindful that our words are kind, true and useful.
Protecting clarity
Since we value purity of awareness, we support each other in exercising maturity over the ingestion of intoxicants or mind-altering substances.
Honouring physical boundaries
In order to create safe space for the opening of our hearts and minds, we aim to be sensitive and respectful in expressing physical affection. Mindful of the power our position as teacher, counsellor or minister may bring, we undertake to refuse absolutely sexual relationships with our students or clients.
Representing ourselves accurately
Since we strive for integrity, we understand the importance of not misleading others about the services we can offer, and not exaggerating our professional achievements. Further, we commit ourselves to open and just dealings in all of our financial transactions.
Maintaining confidentiality
We honour the sacred trust between a spiritual counsellor and a client, and between a minister and the community served, and promise to hold any personal information in the strictest confidence within the law. The same applies to our group settings, so that a safe space is created for heartfelt sharing.
Valuing support and supervision
We acknowledge the need for supervision and guidance beyond our years of study at The Interfaith Seminary. We commit to regular supervision of our spiritual counselling and ministry work.
Committed to continued awakening
We understand that our spiritual unfolding is an ongoing process, and dedicate ourselves to continually deepening our personal spiritual practice, that our service may be grounded in an authentic and evolving spiritual life.
Safeguarding the whole
We commit, where necessary, to lovingly call to attention, either one-to-one or through our peer group, any issue that may place another in danger or compromise the good reputation of interfaith ministers however difficult this may seem.
I studied to become an Interfaith Minister with the One Spirit Interfaith Foundation in London www.osif.org.uk. Interfaith ministers have gone through a two-year intensive course to prepare us to serve you. The seminary at the One Spirit Interfaith Foundation accepts students of all faiths and none. The Foundation is an educational charity registered in the UK. It is not a religion. Graduate ministers are supported by the seminary for professional guidance and continuing professional development. We meet at least annually for an AGM and more often for other events to share, meditate together and catch up with each other. It is a strong community working to support the Irish public to be able to express themselves during the transitions and milestones in life.
One weekend each month for two years I travelled to London and met with tutors and classmates. We have learned about the main world faiths: Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism, as well as learning about the Tao from china and Sikhism, earth traditions and shamanism. We have learned how these faiths differ, and more importantly, how they are similar to each other, and what is in common, focussing on Compassion.
I work with people of all faiths and no faith. I strive to serve anyone who needs me, reflecting Love and Compassion that are at the centre of life and all major spiritual traditions. Interfaith Ministers are not of any one religion or belief system, but each of us has our own spiritual path. We do not seek to indoctrinate. We are here to work for you, and not to promote our own beliefs. We aim to assist you to be true to yourself and your own beliefs or non-beliefs when you celebrate the transitions in your life, the births, the marriages, the funerals and other big events. Our aim is to ensure that any ceremony we help you with fits with your life, your beliefs, your understanding of truth.
I took several vows during my ordination, my own personal vows to serve, and vows set up by the Foundation to abide by the Foundation’s Code of Ethics and to maintain our own spiritual practice. A most important vow is around inclusivity:
I vow to be inclusive, serving without discriminating on the basis of race, age, gender, religious affiliation, ethnic background, economic status, sexual orientation or any other distinction.
This vow is a cornerstone of the One Spirit Foundation, and a key element of my ministry.

I will work with you to craft a beautful heart filled ceremony for your wedding day that reflects your way of living, your beliefs and your love for each other.

Let’s write a loving true funeral so that you and your family will remember your loved one in a way that is true to their beliefs and yours.

Baby Blessing
Welcome the new baby into your family. We can also welcome new children, step children, blended families and other family changes and developments.

Spiritual Health
I will help you to find spiritual peace through spiritual counselling, spiritual accompaniment or spiritual direction. I can lead your meditation or prayer group, or assist or stage a retreat for you and your group.

Rites of Passage, Coming of Age
Commemorate growth, or welcome your young person to adulthood with a ritual that honours the young person and their progress towards maturity.

Other Rituals
I can help you to celebrate a vow renewal for your love or marriage, a divorce to bless you both as you part, house blessings, animal blessings and most other ceremonies for modern everyday life.